The new Blitzburgh Blog

Seven months ago, we decided to start a Pittsburgh Steelers blog for a couple of reasons. One – we are obsessed with Steeler football to an unhealthy level. Two – when you live in your parent’s basement, there isn’t much else to do.

Since our old site just didn’t have enough room for six Lombardi trophies, we had to relocate to greener pastures. We’ve still got the same writers with the same attitudes, but as you’ve noticed, things are a little different around here. Here’s the gameplan:

What is Bloguin?

Like us, you probably check WHYGAVS? and tPB every morning, so maybe you already have the scoop, but Bloguin is a revolutionary network containing some of the flyest blogs out there. We’re extremely proud to share a home with everybody else on the network and to give our readers some exposure to some other fine bloggers, even if they don’t drink Iron City.

What is the Bloguin login?

It’s simple. You just create an account with Bloguin and will have the ability to comment on any of the sites on the expansive network, as well as post in the forums. Just one account will work with any site on the network!


Who are you guys?

In case you are a new reader, Blitzburgh Blog has two editors: Norm Johnson and Bam Morris. These names may or may not mean anything to you. We support anything that comes out of Pittsburgh and are pretty much your stereotypical yinzers that people love to hate. That said, we have never called for the benching of Ben Roethlisberger, yelled “SHOOOOOT” at a hockey game, or attended a wedding wearing a Jason Gildon jersey. So maybe we are tolerable after all.

Finally, we’d like to offer some thanks to a few people who have helped us along the way. Rizzo Sports Weekly invited us to appear on his television show when we were nothing but big time n00bs. We were more nervous than we were at the freshman prom, but that was a lucky break that we never expected. Huge thanks goes to Derek at Bloguin for putting up with us during the transition period. He’s the glue that holds this whole operation together.

Well, consider this public service announcement over. Feel free to browse through our old articles or visit other sites on the network.  If you’ll excuse us, we have some non- sanctioned celebratory T-shirts to purchase.
