Santonio Holmes fined $10,000 for Super Bowl celebration

Now this absolutely infuriates me:

The issue over whether Santonio Holmes should have been penalized 15 yards for celebrating — after a significant pause — his winning touchdown reception in the Super Bowl might grow now that he’s officially been fined $10,000 by the league.

Holmes was not flagged by the officials after it occurred because they apparently did not see it. Holmes impersonated a move by basketball’s LeBron James when he shook the football and tossed it into the air. But he did not do it immediately after he caught the winning touchdown pass from Ben Roethlisberger with 35 seconds left. The 6-yard touchdown pass gave the Steelers a 27-23 victory over the Arizona Cardinals.

How long ago was the Super Bowl played? Three weeks ago?

This is just ridiculous.

I agree that the celebration was mildly over the top, but at the time, nobody even saw it or paid much attention to it. It wasn’t shown on live TV (only several minutes after) and was done a fair amount out of bounds.

Holmes made one of the greatest plays in NFL history and now the No Fun League is going to do its part to put a black eye on the play. I really think Holmes’ history of trouble with the law also has something to do with this. If Hines Ward does that same celebration, there’s no way people are whining as much about that as they have been since the Super Bowl.

This whole thing started because of NFL fans jealousy of the Steelers. The two weeks after the Super Bowl was all about how the refs “handed” the game to the Steelers and jagoff haters were rewatching the game 100’s of times to find their proof. They must have missed the dozen times were Kurt Warner took his helmet off while on the field. I guess since he’s the QB Jesus he can do what he wants.

Holmes’ celebration was one of the haters favorite points of contention and it looks like they finally got their way.

Be mad. Be very mad.
