A couple things

This post is as non-Steelers related as you’ll see on here, but there’s a few things we’ve got to take care of.

First off, it’s baseball season so if we start posting less it’s because we’re over at WHYGAVS? reading or hanging out in the comments. We’re pretty much your average yinzers, so we put football first, but we’ll always love the Buccos no matter what. Pat has made us into fairly knowledgeable fans, and that’s a big compliment to him. Guy knows his stuff.

The other thing we wanted to touch on is a little more somber. Everybody knows about the bigtime tragedy in Pittsburgh this weekend that claimed the lives of three of the city’s finest. The Steelers are such an integral part of Pittsburgh, therefore we feel like this blog is some extension of the community, as messed up as that logic might seem.

So we wanted to express our condolences and sadness. Police officers have a thankless job. People are always whining about how they treat people or give tickets, but we too often forget that they are putting their lives on the line every single day. This whole mess started out as a domestic dispute call – something pretty routine for these guys. The jagoff that did this didn’t even offer the officers a chance to fight back. It’s just not fair, on any level.

The message here is to cut cops some slack. They always have to be on their toes and are out there risking it all so we can sleep soundly at night. Forgive them if they are a little uptight every now and then. In their line of work, the routine can turn tragic in a flash.

We’re going to honor these guys somehow. We don’t have anything of value to give up or anything crazy up our sleeves, but it’s only right to do something. We lift up our favorite Steelers all the time, but the truth is the policeman in Pittsburgh are the real heroes. It’s all just so sad. We should probably be writing about the Steelers resigning Keyaron Fox, but this makes you take a step back.


