James Harrison cares not for your presidents and your planes

Silverback isn’t going to the White House for the team’s celebration/meeting with President Barack Obama.  People were scrambling to find out why.

Is he the only athlete besides Curt Schilling who voted for McCain? Is he a secret anarchist?

Turns out the juicy secret is that he is just afraid of flying and really isn’t some antidisestablishmentarian.

If you ask me, this story is more about the most boring part of the NFL offseason than it is about James Harrison. NFL writers and talking heads have to come up with something to stir the pot. Bloggers like us can just take a day off and gain a few levels in World of Warcraft if there is nothing brewing, but not the big time media reporters.

Harrison has said he’s just going to stay in Pittsburgh and workout. Fine by me. I wouldn’t care if he was a rapid anarchist or if he just really didn’t feel like going.

Some people say it’s the highest honor, but anymore every championship team you can think of makes a trip to the White House. Syracuse lacrosse. Arizona swimming.


The only cool thing about this story is that the most feared linebacker in the NFL is deathly afraid of flying. Obama really has nothing to do with this.

Training camp needs to get here soon so I can stop thinking about planes, Obama, and James Harrisons’ perceived lack of respect and start focusing on some quality football instead.
