73% of Pittsburgh hates Bill Cowher

The fine reporters over the the PG conducted a poll asking readers about Bill Cowher’s Carolina Hurricane fandom. Here are the results:


When people give you a hard time for being a Steeler fan and you wonder why, think back to this poll.

Most sports fans will wonder what the guy did to go from being an almost universally beloved coach to barely having 1/4 of his hometown on his side.

Did he committ a serious crime?

Did he denounce the Rooney family?

Did he send naked pictures of himself to little boys?

The sad answer is none of the above. All he had to do was not root for the Pittsburgh Penguins.

The real traitor in this situation is Steeler Nation, who couldn’t wait to throw Cowher under the bus since he left. People were waiting for him to pick against Pittsburgh on CBS or say something bad about the franchise.

People were calling for his induction to the Hall of Fame after he retired and now they are acting like he never existed in the first place because he cheered for the damn Carolina Hurricanes.

This is Example A of why “yinzer” has become a bad term. If you are deeply hurt because a former coach of your favorite football team doesn’t cheer for your favorite hockey team, grow up.

In 20 years, Mike Tomlin will cheer for the Capitals and the same stooge fans who are ready to hang Cowher now will vote “Mike who?” again.

Pens in 5.
