Community Projection: Ben Roethlisberger

A lot of baseball sites do community projections and I think it would a fun thing to do before every Steelers season.

Baseball is a lot more starts oriented than football, but it still serves a purpose and would be a fun little experiment.

In case you aren’t aware of how these things usually work, ever so often we’ll select the player who we are projecting…we’re starting with Big Ben. Then people leave comments predicting Roethlisberger’s stats for 2009 and we’ll average them out to come up with a “community projection” for each player. We picked Roethlisberger to start because this should be the easiest of all the players to come up with reasonable numbers for.

After the season is over, we’ll see how we did and then do it all over again. The commenter who guesses the closest to the player’s actual numbers wins a free virtual high five from Norm and myself.

Bucs Dugout is a great example of community projections at work so check Charlie and the gang out if my explanation sucked.

We obviously won’t be doing every player since lineman don’t really put up many worthwhile stats, but we’ll instead focus on the skill players.

Ben Roethlisberger

Ben has always put up steady, if unspectacular numbers during the regular season. In 2007, he went nuts and threw 32 touchdowns in only 15 start. Last year, his numbers fell off and he only posted a QB rating of 80.1 The stats have never seemed to fully indicate how good of a QB Big Ben is, but we’re just breaking down cold, hard numbers here.

Is Roethlisberger due for a huge year after a great playoff performance and clutch Super Bowl drive? Or will he continue to make bad decisions with the ball like in 2006 and 2008?

For Roethlisberger, let’s project games started, passing yards, TDs, and INTs. Post your predictions in the comments.
