It’s not really just a game

E:60 is the one show on ESPN where the World Wide Leader actually does the heavy lifting and delivers some real journalism. Tonight they showed a story on Steeler fan Bob Zinski and it was one of the most inspiring and well-done media pieces I’ve seen in a long time.

Zinski was diagnosed with terminal cancer and the piece chronicles his illness and his suprise trip to Super Bowl XLIII. The theme throughout was that football is not just a game and the Steelers are not just a team. It sounds stupid a lot of people to say something like that when there are a lot of serious issues in the world, but try telling that to Bob Zinski.

We don’t have any way to even try to quantify how Zinski feels on a day-to-day basis, but come Thursday night when the Steelers face the Cardinals, I’m sure Zinksi will be in the same state of mind as every other member of Steeler Nation. And that’s what Steeler football is all about for the fans — bringing people together.

[E:60] – Steelers fan’s big wish came true
