Steelers draft Ziggy Hood!

Some reposted thoughts from our live blog of the draft…

7:31 PM :: Pick is in! DT Ziggy Hood from Missouri! Too bad ESPN is on commercial and we see no announcement. Ouch.

7:34 PM :: Hood is 6′ 3” and 300 pounds and pretty mobile for a big defensive tackle. He runs a 4.8 forty, which is nothing to sneeze at for a big lineman.

7:35 PM :: Not a flashy pick by any means from the Steelers, but it addresses a well-known need. Here’s some more information on Evander “Ziggy” Hood (what a name!):

Here‘s the NFL’s profile on Hood.

Check out this clip of some highlights. Gotta love that speed.

7:40 PM :: Alright, that’s all from me for now. Early reaction to the pick? I like it. The centers that the Steelers had seemingly focused on were taken early, but they didn’t panic and went after a guy who can help bring some youth to an aging defensive line unit. Now please go out and draft AQ Shipley tomorrow! 🙂

The Steelers offensive line is indeed the team’s most pressing need, but overpaying to help plug those holes does no good in the long run. There are plenty of picks to help the line tonight and tomorrow and let’s not forget that our current offensive line was good enough to win a Super Bowl.

More coverage coming later this weekend on the Steelers other picks!

UPDATE: Here‘s a detailed look at Hood from a guy who knows a lot more about draft prospects than us, Eric Galko at NFL House.

Some notable observations from Eric:

Hood’s overall intangibles and coaching ability coupled with his leadership should make him a steady contributor on and off the field.

Hood wasn’t overly productive in college, and seemed to not take advantage of the opportunities he had.

…a 3-4 team should be his best option, as he would fit best as a 3-4 end.

