Steelers to release Larry Foote

Just a few weeks after we called Foote the unsung hero of the team, the Steelers have announced that they will release the LB in a move to cut cap space and answer Foote’s request to be moved to a place where he can have a larger role.

This kind of caught everybody by surprise. Foote was expected to move elsewhere after his current deal was up, but that’s not until next year.

Like we wrote before, Foote does a lot of things very well and as good as Lawrence Timmons is, Foote is going to be hard to replace. This is also a big hit in LB depth for the team and it would have been great for Kevin Colbert to know this news before the draft.

We aren’t too worried about Timmons stepping in, but who will be the 5th linebacker now? Andre Frazier? Keyaron Fox? Bruce Davis?

Last year, when somebody got winded or hurt, Timmons came in and the LBs didn’t miss a beat. That depth is gone now.

This is a big downgrade for the Steelers even though nobody will notice it in the starting eleven.
