Words can’t even begin to do justice.

We were jumping for joy, we were crying into our Terrible Towels, we were bent over in agony, we were hugging random strangers.

Every Super Bowl is an emotional journey, but this one will go down as one of the greatest.

There’s a time and place to look deep into the game, but now isn’t it. Examine what you want, but this is a time for thanks and celebration.

This great journey we’ve been on for the past few months is because of the hard work of a lot of people.

Norm and I were there during those hot August days in Latrobe watching James Harrison do pushups and Hines Ward stay after practice to catch balls.

Lost in all of the Super Bowl celebration is the fact that this time put in hard work and gave great effort every single day. This championship was earned through talent, but also because of a lot of hard work. For that, we say thanks.

Thank you to the Rooney family. The season started off with rumor after rumor about the sale of the team, but you guys never let it affect the players and helped keep everything in line. Every year you give back to the community through charity and by continually fielding a competitive team. We Steeler fans owe you everything.’

Thank you to Mike Tomlin. Some people thought you were too young, too black, or too inexperienced. In reality, all you needed was 2 years to reach the pinnacle of success. Here’s to you growing old as the head coach of the Pittsburgh Steelers. Steeler Nation loves you and wouldn’t want anybody else calling the shots.

Thank you to Ben Roethlisberger. Nobody gives you enough credit. Manning, Brady, Brees, Rivers, Romo. Everybody has their token choice for best QB, but only Brady has had the kind of postseason success that you have. When you move around in the pocket, magic happens and the number of last second drives you led this season is why you are special. Nobody should ever doubt you again. Before you came to Pittsburgh, there was a decade and a half of underachieving and poor QB play. Now we’ve got 6 Super Bowl trophies. You are the heart of this team and this city.

Thank you James Harrison. You went from a practice squad, NFL Europe player to the artist of the most famous play in Super Bowl history. You were a tour de force all season long and proved everybody wrong. You are the 21st century version of Jack Lambert and that is one of the highest compliments a Pittsburgh Steeler can recieve.

Thank you Hines Ward. Everybody knows how much you mean to this team. Watching you go at half strength tonight was as hard on us as it was for you. You are a Hall of Fame player and a living, breathing example of what Steeler Football is all about.

Thank you Myron Cope. We’d say that we’re sorry you couldn’t see this, but we know better than that. You were there looking down on this team and Steeler Nation. We’ll never forget how much you mean to the Pittsburgh Steelers. RIP.

Thank you James Farrior, Larry Foote, Lawrence Timmons. Harrison gets most of the accolades, but you guys more than did your part this season. 51 has been the captain of the defense on and off the field since he’s showed up. Foote quietly goes about his job and makes plays, and Timmons is going to be a Pro Bowler in a few years. Mark it down.

Thank you Troy Polamalu. God, it’s nice to have you healthy. All you do is make big plays and this season proved that you are a HOF worthy player. People used to say you were a bust, but nobody can say a bad word know.

Thanks to Ike Taylor, William Gay, Ryan Clark, Deshea Townsend, Bryant McFadden, Tyrone Carter, Fernando Bryant. For years the secondary was the achilles heel of this football team and you guys turned it into the greatest strength. Without your play, this Super Bowl season doesn’t get off the ground.

Thanks to Jared Retkofsky, Keyaron Fox, Andre Frazier, Patrick Bailey, Bruce Davis. The special teams had always been terrible in Pittsburgh, but you guys came in and made the difference this season. What a great job that was a big part of anything that the defense or offense accomplished.

Thanks to Santonio Holmes. Unreal performance. You were the biggest playmaker during each of the playoff games and we can’t ask for more. You won’t have to buy a drink in Pittsburgh for the rest of your life.

Thanks to Aaron Smith, Casey Hampton, Brett Keisel, Chris Hoke, Orpheus Roye, Travis Kirchske. The Steelers are all about stopping the run and you did exactly that during the season and throughout the playoff run.

Thanks to LaMarr Woodley. You were all over the field during the playoffs. Pro Bowls ahead.

Thanks to Willie Colon, Trai Essex, Justin Hartwig, Darnell Stapleton, Marvel Smith, Chris Kemoeatu, Max Starks. You guys were the brunt of criticism during the entire year. Even Mike Tomlin called you out. But when it mattered, during the 4th quarter, you guys did your job. Everybody said the Steelers couldn’t win a Super Bowl with this offensive line, but you guys stepped it up on the biggest stage.

Thank you to Nate Washington, Limas Sweed, Heath Miller, Matt Spaeth, Carey Davis, Sean McHugh. All of you stepped up and made huge catches during the playoff run. Nate, you grew up in a big way this year. Great effort from a bunch of guys without big names.

Thanks to Willie Parker, Mewelde Moore, Gary Russell. It wasn’t always easy and the holes weren’t always there, but you guys went out and ran hard when called upon. Everybody had a role to play and all of you did that without complaining.

Thank you to Mitch Berger, Jeff Reed. Everybody hated on you, Mitch, but your punts during the Super Bowl were great and now you finally have a ring after a great career. Skippy, you are weird as hell but you have a golden foot.

Lastly, thank you to Steeler fans. You guys make this franchise what it is. We go to battle with each and every one of you every week and have made many great friends through this blog and through Steeler Nation. Enjoy this victory, you deserve it. Thanks to anybody who has read this blog, emailed, or commented. This was a great way to celebrate our first full season of blogging and it wouldn’t have been nearly as fun of a ride without your support.

Like we said, maybe we will get into details of the game later on, maybe we won’t. Either way, none of that stuff really matters because the work is done.

