
Steelers preseason schedule announced

Not surprisingly, the Steelers and the Arizona Cardinals will be squaring off in the first “game” of the season on August 13. It’s obvious that the NFL is trying to stir up some hype for preseason and who can blame them? Maybe the Cards have a bone to pick with Pittsburgh, but it’s not going […]

NFL moves one step closer to becoming flag football

Coming out of the NFL owners meetings, the biggest headline will probably be the new “Hines Ward Rule” about downfield blocking, but the rule change that irks me the most as a football fan is the “Tom Brady Rule.” From Seattle Post-Intelligencer: While not an actual rule change requiring a vote from NFL owners, the […]

A closer look at the new Steelers partners

Big news out of the owners meetings this week, as the Steelers got official approval to add three more investors into the ownership fold. Rumors were flying all week about a “big name” being in the mix. People tried their best to decipher who it was. Rush Limbaugh? Mark Cuban? Figure that after all the […]

Baltimore Ravens don’t back down from nobody…except Pittsburgh

This is always a slow time of the year for the Pittsburgh Steelers, but it’s good to know that no matter what free agency brings the Baltimore Ravens still know their place. The Ravens have asked the NFL not to schedule any prime time games at Pittsburgh for the Birds next season. This is especially […]

Friday Field Trip: Steelers’ trio re-signs

Every Friday, we venture out into the Web and pull in some of the best (and occasionally worst) Steeler related content on the Web. And here. we. go.   The biggest news this week was the resigning of Trai Essex, Fernando Bryant, and Anthony Madison. All three were with the team last year and the Steelers still […]

Dan Rooney nominated as Irish ambassador

You probably already heard it, but President Obama has nominated the Steelers’ own Dan Rooney to be a US ambassador to Ireland.  As always, the Post Gazette is all over it:  In a White House ceremony this morning, Mr. Obama called Mr. Rooney a “great friend” and cited his efforts to support peace in Ireland. […]

The Departed: Nate Washington

First off, a million apologies for not a lot of content last week. It was full of midterms and other school stuff, but I’ll put the violin away for now. It’s time to look back on the careers of a few of the recently departed Steelers who left via free agency. 85 is up first. […]

Bryant McFadden signs with Arizona

Can’t say we didn’t all see this coming. He’s a good young cornerback with plus size and Arizona will be glad to have him. Should be a good signing for the Cards. But seriously. How long is this Pittsburgh West thing going to go on? Every time the Steelers have a UFA, rumors fly everywhere […]

Friday Field Trip: Everybody wants to be the Steelers

Every Friday, we venture out into the Web and pull in some of the best (and occasionally worst) Steeler related content on the Web. And here. we. go. Every once in a while something crazy shows up in our email inbox. This is one of those things. Meet Kayvon. XU-57JcyIBQ[/youtube] Seriously, WTF. He’s lucky […]

Special Steelers delivery

Yes, my Super Bowl champs DVD finally arrived today. I ripped the packaging off right away and started watching on my laptop during lunch. Needless to say, this is a must buy, even if you have seen some of the coverage before on NFL Network. Some notable highlights: All the audio clips of Mike Tomlin […]

Breaking: Nate Washington is a Titan

Per PG. I’ll be the first to say congrats to Nate. He inked a deal for six years, $27 million. He was definitely one of the big surprises for the Steelers this year and hopefully he continues to develop into the elite deep threat that the Titans paid for. Tennessee is a team desperately needing […]

McFadden to Arizona?

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported that Bryant McFadden met with the Arizona Cardinals today. They also said that he could come to a decision later today, but there’s no other news so far. A few people might be upset that he’s (possibly) going to the “enemy”, but count me out. As I’ve said before, he’s paid […]

Free agent Friday: Kemoeatu signs

This ain’t the regular version of Friday Field Trip because there is just too much stuff going on with free agency. A few big Steeler pieces of free agency news today: Guard Chris Kemoeatu signed a 5-year, $20 million deal ending the guard crisis on the Steelers following the release of Kendall Simmons. Norm and […]

Kendall Simmons released

One of the longest tenured and most experienced lineman, Simmons was released today by Pittsburgh. I could be missing something here, but this is a pretty big surprise to me. I’m not alone in my shock either. JJ Cooper of Fanhouse wrote earlier that Simmons is “going nowhere.” Simmons was also one of the more […]

Steelers talks with James Harrison stalled

FWIW,’s James Walker is reporting that talks between the Steelers and LB James Harrison have hit a snag over the amount of money in the extenstion. “We’re talking and meeting pretty regularly, almost daily, but we’re having a difficult time getting to where we need to be,” (Silverback’s agent) Parise said. “I would say […]
